What is “OOP”? Why are OOP questions required in interviews?
Object-oriented programming(OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to create applications and computer programs. It is built on the concept of”objects,” which can contain data and code to manipulate that data, and “classes,” which specify the attributes and methods for a specific object type. OOP is a common strategy for creating reusable and modular code in many current programming languages, such as Java, C++, and Python. OOP expertise is frequently seen as a prerequisite for many software development professions.
As a result, these ideas are frequently used in software development interviews to assess a candidate’s comprehension and expertise with OOP principles. Questions about object-oriented programming can help employers determine a candidate’s ability to design and implement object-oriented systems, their understanding of critical concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, and their experience with common design patterns.

Furthermore, this is a broad topic that is utilized in a variety of application fields, including online development, game development, mobile development, and desktop applications. As a result, an understanding of OOP can aid in assessing the candidate’s expertise and skills in these areas. In conclusion, OOP questions are frequently included in software development interviews to examine a candidate’s knowledge and expertise with the principles of OOP, which is an essential skill for many software development professions.
Here are the best 29 OOP interview questions and answers for you consideration
1. What are the four OOP pillars?
The four pillars are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
2. What is encapsulation in OOP?
The process of combining methods and data that operate on that data into a single unit or object is called encapsulation. This helps to reduce complexity and increase modularity by allowing developers to focus on the interface to an object rather than its implementation.
3. What precisely is an abstraction in OOP?
The technique of revealing an object’s relevant and essential properties while concealing its implementation details is known as abstraction. This enables developers to concentrate on the interface of a thing rather than its implementation, which reduces complexity and increases modularity.
4. What exactly is inheritance in OOP?
Inheritance is an object oriented programming feature that allows classes to inherit common attributes from other classes. For example, if there is a class called ‘vehicle,’ additional classes like ‘car,’ ‘bike,’ and so on can inherit common attributes from it. This allows you to remove superfluous code, lowering the total size of the code. It has different types, such as single, multiple, inheritance, hybrid, and hierarchical inheritances.
5. What exactly is polymorphism in OOP?
Polymorphism refers to an object’s ability to take on various forms. This can be accomplished through inheritance, in which a subclass can override or extend the methods of its superclass, or by using interfaces, which allow an object to implement several behaviors.
6. What is an OOP class?
A class is a pattern of objects in various states and erratic behaviors. It has a number of methods that are shared by the things in that class.
7. What exactly is an object in OOP?
A thing is a class instance. It has its own state, which is saved in the variables of the object, and its own behavior, which is specified by the methods of the thing.
8. What is an OOP method?
A method is a function created within a class to complete a specific job.
9. What is an OOP function Object () { [native code] }?
A function Object () { [native code] } is a particular method for creating and initializing an object. It is called when an object is formed and may be used to establish its initial state.
10. What precisely is an interface in OOP?
It is an object oriented programming concept that allows you to declare methods without defining them. Interfaces are not blueprints, unlike classes, because they do not include precise instructions or activities to be executed. Any class that implements an interface specifies the interface’s methods.
11. In object oriented programming, what is the distinction between inheritance and composition?
The process through which one object acquires the attributes and behavior of another thing is known as inheritance.
12. What is the difference between a superclass and a subclass in object oriented programming?
A superclass is a class inherited by a different kind of class known as a subclass. The subclass can override or extend the superclass’s methods and have distinct approaches and attributes. For example, the class Car is a subclass or a derivation of the Vehicle class, and the Vehicle class is a superclass of the class Car.
13. What exactly is method overriding in object oriented programming?
The process of generating a new implementation for a method inherited from a superclass is known as method overriding. This lets a subclass implement a technique while still adhering to the superclass’s interface.
14. What is the object oriented programming method overloading?
Method overloading defines many methods in a class with the same name but distinct signatures. This enables a class to have numerous ways with the same name, each of which can do a different job depending on the amount or type of arguments supplied.
15. In object oriented programming, what is an abstract class?
An abstract class is known as a class that cannot be created but may be inherited by other classes. Abstract classes offer a unified interface or set of behaviors for related courses.
16. What is an object oriented programming final class?
The last class is one that other classes cannot inherit. This is important for assuring that a class’s behavior cannot be changed by a subclass.
17. What is an OOP singleton class?
A singleton class can have just one instance at a time. This helps construct objects that must be shared by many portions of an application, such as a database connection or logging object.
18. What is an OOP static method?
A fixed way belongs to a class rather than an instance of that class. Static methods can be invoked directly on the course without creating an example of that class.
19. What is an OOP static variable?
A variable associated with a class rather than a specific instance of that class is called a static variable. Static variables on the type can be accessed directly without constructing an object of that class.
20. What is an OOP package?
A package is a group-together set of similar classes and interfaces. By providing a namespace for classes, packages assist in structuring code and eliminate naming conflicts.
21. What exactly is an exception in OOP?
An exception is a message that disrupts a program’s usual operation. Exceptions give the error a pattern and send it to the exception handler to be resolved. When an exception is raised, the program’s state is stored.
22. What is an OOP try-catch block?
A try-catch block is a structure used in programming to manage exceptions. The try block includes exception-throwing code and the catch block handles any exceptions that are thrown.
23. What is an OOP, finally, block?
Whether an exception is thrown o caught, a final block is a block of code that is always run after a try-catch block. Finally, partnerships ensure that particular code, such as shutting resources or executing cleanup activities, is always run.
24. What is an OOP throw statement?
A throw statement is used to manually throw an exception in a program. This can indicate an unusual circumstance, such as an invalid input or a resource no longer available.
25. What is an OOP polymorphic reference?
At runtime, a polymorphic reference refers to an object that can refer to different types of things. This is accomplished through inheritance and method overriding, in which a subclass can override its superclass’s procedures and give its own implementation.
26. In OOP, what is an object-relational mapper (ORM)?
An object-relational mapper (ORM) is a tool that enables developers to use object-oriented principles when working with databases. ORMs map objects in a program to rows in a database table, allowing developers to conduct database operations with object-oriented approaches they are acquainted with.
27. What is an OOP design pattern?
A design pattern is a generic solution to a frequent problem in software development. Design patterns give a template or set of principles for tackling a specific issue and they may be used to increase a software system’s flexibility and maintainability.
28. What is the OOP Singleton design pattern?
The Singleton design pattern assures that a class only has one instance and gives a global access point to that instance. This helps construct objects that must be shared by many portions of an application, such as a database connection or logging object.
29. What is the difference between a getter and a setter in OOP?
A getter method obtains the value of a class’s private instance variable. A setter is a method used to set the value of a class’s private instance variable. Getters and setters offer restricted access to an object’s internal state.
This post includes the most often-asked OOPs Interview Questions for Freshers, which will help you ace your interviews. So go ahead and begin planning. But keep in mind that the list goes on, and there are more questions. You may get more information on the internet. Aside from these questions, there are additional links to several lists. You can read more about programming paradigms on our blog