
Top 9 best programming languages to learn in 2022

Best programming languages |Background Image: Digital coding background| logic worker

One of the most trending occupations these days is software development, and one of the most sought-out skills is the ability to do programming. It’s not just the appeal of an all-around, adaptable worker, but also the efficiency that the best programming languages bring to businesses and institutions that make employees with a techy background necessary. In fact, software development is said to rise by 21% by the year 2028

So you want to learn to code, or you’re an established programmer who wants to learn a new language to advance your career? It’s imperative that you choose wisely to ensure that every minute of your time learning proves to be worthwhile. Don’t know where to start? Well, consider that problem solved as we’ve provided you with the best programming languages below!

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Used mainly for: Creating websites

JavaScript is currently one of the most favored, best programming languages, with it being used in over 95% of all websites at the moment. This information is backed up by a Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey, with it ranking the highest chosen language by 67.7% of all responders. This also coincides with the fact that it’s also the most sought-after language by hiring managers. 

So what does JavaScript even do? JavaScript deals with the behavior of the website, like the interactive buttons, animated graphics, and how the website presents itself. When JavaScript is used with other designing languages such as CSS and HTML, it increases the potential of the website in terms of readability and navigation. 


Used mainly for: Multiple purposes

Python is one of the most beginner-friendly and easiest languages to learn because of its easy syntax and the variety of libraries and packages that can be accessed. It’s also general purpose, which means that it could be used in a variety of different styles like object-oriented, reflective or functional. In fact, many of the most popular online platforms were made using Python! These include the Google Search Engine, Youtube, Instagram, and Dropbox! This makes it the second-most desirable programming language sought out by hiring managers according to HackerRank


Best programming languages |Image: Mobile screen with different languages| logic worker
Image by Freepik

Used mainly for Corporate applications and Android mobile operating systems

According to Stack Overflow, Java ranks as the fifth most popular programming language and is also the third most sought-after language by hiring managers. The reason for its maintaining such popularity is no mystery: Java is an easy language to master and utilize, and it can deal with massive amounts of data. Because of this, it’s especially popular in the finance sector, so you can see it emerge a lot in industries like stocks and billing. 

Java is general use and object-oriented, which means that it can create objects that can encompass functions and data. It’s incredibly versatile and can effectively run on any operating system, which makes it such a hit. 


Mainly used for Multipurpose uses

C was released over 50 years ago, and 37 years later, C++ arrived. Yet in this massive timeframe, with useful additions and improvements being added to the language, C/C++ still managed to maintain its massive popularity. It includes features that are object-oriented, functional, and generic, and could be found in a vast variety of places such as space probes, video games, databases, servers, etc. Furthermore, almost all low-level systems such as operating systems and file systems use C/C++. There is a reason why it’s considered to be one of the best programming languages to focus on many.


Mainly used for Game development

C# (also called C Sharp) is a general-purpose, object-oriented, multi-paradigm language. An improved offshoot of C/C++, it ranked in 5th place in the NIOBE index last year and according to HackerRank, roughly one of every five hiring managers is looking for C# programmers. While, as a general-purpose language, it’s used in many apps, websites, and cloud bases, it’s also very commonly used to make games. The game engine Unity uses C# to develop popular games such as Call of Duty: Mobile and Among Us. It is also commonly used with the .NET Framework, which is commonly used to develop software programs. 


Digital coding background | Image:
Image by Freepik

Mainly used for: Utilizing databases

Now, yes, it’s true: SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a really old programming language. It was developed in the 1970s to access data in a database management system, which makes it around 50 years old! And yet, it’s still one of the best programming languages in 2022! The reason for that is the fact that it can update, add, and remove records, as well as locate and retrieve data. Although it’s highly functional, it’s best used to manage smaller databases and thus doesn’t score so well with larger ones. 


Mainly used for Designing websites 

PHP (or Personal Home Page Tool) is a popular programming language often used in web development on platforms such as WordPress and Laravel. It’s almost mandatory for web developers to learn this 70-year-old language as it is used in over 78.9% of websites such as Yahoo and Facebook. It is a server-side language that is embedded with HTML to add further functionality to webpages. Its popularity, coupled with a lacking of developers, gives ample space for opportunities for those who do decide to learn this programming language.


Mainly used for Cloud-based functions

Go was developed by Google in the year 2007 and is one of the best programming languages to learn if you’re looking to enhance your software developer resume and a 33% salary bump (according to HackerRank). It is a highly efficient language that can run several processes simultaneously. While its syntax is very similar to that of C, it still has outstanding management features and memory safety. It also has a great deal of dynamism and functionality because of its structural typing capabilities. 


Mainly used for Building web applications

Ruby makes an appearance time and time again in various apps owned by well-known companies such as Fiverr, GitHub, and Bloomberg. While also old – developed in the mid-1990s – it’s still one of the more popular and one of the best programming languages to date. This is probably because of its fast speed or because it’s a powerful yet simple language used to develop MVPs, prototypes, or any web application. Its popularity comes in conjunction with the web framework Ruby on Rails as it revolutionized the web developer world. 


While it may be clear what the best programming languages you should focus on as a developer, the most important aspect of learning it is discipline. Every programming language is different and is suitable for a wide array of different types of people, so the most important thing is to dedicate a lot of time to perfecting your skills and continue doing so as the software industry evolves. The best programming languages vary from developer to developer, so it’s always wise to find your favorite language!

Also, learn how to become a front-end developer and how to become a back-end developer.

1 thought on “Top 9 best programming languages to learn in 2022”

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