
How To Become A Web 3 Developer?


Prior to the introduction of web 3.0 web development as well as web developers was very huge. It is a huge department that is growing day by day. With the advent of web 3 and its rapid growth, it is making a huge impact on every aspect of life. If you are a web developer you might be thinking of the question “how to become a web 3 developer?”. Or if you are not a web developer but are looking to pursue the career of a web 3 developer, then my friends this article is for you. 

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Just when the thought of being a web 3 developer came into your mind. You go and search the internet for  “how to become a web 3 developer?” to find the answer. You will find many articles that have covered this topic. But the majority of them have vague information or there are jargons that are not understandable by the common man. Here at Logic Worker, we are keen to provide information that is easily digestible even by a common man.

You will not find any other article that is more comprehensive and easy to understand than ours.

In order to become a successful web 3 developer, you have to have a solid grip and knowledge of three main components. These are Blockchain, Smart Contracts, and Decentralized Applications.


Understanding The Web 3 Development

As we have already stated that we want our articles to be understood by our users. Because you are here to understand how to become a web 3 developer and that is our mission to make you become one. So we will provide you with a complete guideline. From which programming languages you have to learn and what tools you have to use. 

It is a new term that’s why there are few web3 courses present at the moment. Udemy and Coursera are the best sites to get a hand on the things that we are going to discuss. So what are you waiting for let’s dive in:


Frontend Web 3 Development

The first question that every web developer has: should they pursue front end or backend or both. That ultimately comes down to personal preference. Another question that may come to a web developer’s mind. Which languages are used in web 3 front-end development? So here is the answer: JavaScript is the main language for web 3 front-end development. So in order to be a good front-end developer for web 3 you should have proficient knowledge and expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Complete Web 3 Developer Roadmap

The web 3 development can be divided into 3 major sections. Blockchain, smart contracts, and D-apps. Below is the complete web 3 developer roadmap. So follow this roadmap if you want to become a professional web3 developer.


The first and foremost important thing that you need for web 3 development is blockchain. The architecture of web 3 is based on blockchain and is the backbone. In the blockchain, the data is public and is saved in the form of blocks. These blocks can be added by anyone in the blockchain ledger. If you want to understand what is blockchain. Read our article on What Is Blockchain? A Complete Guide 2022-23.

To learn blockchain you should have a solid understanding of programming languages such as C++, Python, or Java. Besides programming languages, a good knowledge of data structures, nodes, databases, and networking is also necessary. Lastly, a basic understanding of some of the cryptographic techniques digital signatures, hash algorithms, and RSA algorithms will take you to a professional level.

Blockchain developers are also in high demand. So if you are looking to get some information on blockchain development you can read our comprehensive guide on How To Become a Blockchain Developer? 2022

Writing Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are automated contracts that execute themselves once certain set criteria are completed. Another major feature of web 3 is these smart contracts. These contracts are secure and save a lot of time. For a web 3 developer writing and developing smart contracts is necessary. For writing a smart contract the main language is Solidity. 

  • Learning Solidity

To be a web 3 developer one of the main ingredients is learning the Solidity programming language. You might be thinking that solidity is a new language and it may be quite hard to learn. But that is not the case it is quite similar to JavaScript. If you have a good understanding of JavaScipt then learning Solidity will be relatively easy for you. The language Solidity is used for developing two main components of web 3. They are Smart Contracts and D-Apps.

Learning Solidity is really necessary for web 3 development. However, it is a new language and its courses are not yet available as easily as in other languages. That’s why most of the time you have to learn it through the official documentation.

  • Connecting Smart Contract With Front End

Now that you know how to write your first smart contract. Then the next step is to connect your smart contract backend with the front end. The two main libraries for connecting the backend with the front end are Web3.js and Ether.js. Once it’s done your first smart contract is ready.


Developing D-Apps (Decentralized Apps)

The main feature of blockchain is its decentralization. Because of it all web 3.0 is going to be decentralized. That’s why in web 3.0 there will be d-apps. The front end of these apps is built on Javascript, CSS, and HTML. For backend languages the most famous is Solidity. However other popular backend languages include Rust or Solana. As we know there will be d-apps in web 3. That’s why in order to be a web 3 developer you should have some experience in developing d-apps.

Other Important Things To Become A Web 3 Developer

Now that the 3 main components of Web 3 are done it’s time to see some other important things. These are also necessary if you want to become a good web 3 developer.

  • Learning Human-Computer Interactivity

As we all know web 3 is going to completely revolutionize human-computer interaction. That’s why it is important to understand and learn it. Because you are going to implement it in smart contracts and d-apps. Good human-computer interaction knowledge will take you very higher in the field of web 3.

  • Good Knowledge About Cryptocurrencies

When we talk about web 3 there is no way that cryptocurrencies can be left out. Already major brands have shifted to these digital currencies. And with the passage of time, every transaction will be on cryptocurrency. That’s why for a professional web 3 developer it is necessary to have good knowledge and experience in using these cryptocurrencies. As well as the wallets that store them.

We have many articles where we have covered a lot about them. You can read those articles here. What Is Cryptocurrency? Ultimate Guide, How To Buy Cryptocurrency? 2022 – 2023

  • Understanding Of Cryptography

There is no blockchain, no cryptocurrency, and no web 3 without cryptography. It is the field of computer science with infinite possibilities. This is what makes the whole web 3 more secure and hack-free. It is very important to get a good grasp on it. So make sure that you give proper time to learning it fluently.


Web 3 Developer Salary

Now comes the main question you might be very interested in the Web 3 developer salary. As the trend of web 3 will go high it will become immensely popular. The salary of a web 3 developer is quite high and there are not enough developers at the moment. Because of its less saturation, the web3 developer’s salary is around 150K dollars per year.

Concluding How To Become A Web 3 Developer

Web 3 development is not rocket science that only a few can understand. In this article, there is a complete web 3 developer roadmap. By reading this article you will be ready and on the path to becoming a professional web 3 developer. If you have any questions leave them in the comment section below. We will be happy to reply to any of your inquiries.

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